Take your ground and stand on what God says about that situation in your life!
Here is the timely message that was videotaped with Larissa Gabu of Norway. We did a series of three teachings on faith and love that are impacting the world even today.
My YouTube page is full of courses single messages and encouragement to take you through your week.
🔥 Prophetic Word and Prayer
May 13, 2019
Our mandate comes from Jesus. We must fulfill our mandate with His great grace.
I have asked the Father to send out His angels to help us all succeed in winning souls!
God has sent forth help today - angelic intervention and strength for your journey to preach the gospel. God is strengthening you now.
This is a photograph which looks like one of the many angels I saw in a night vision encounter dispatched to the earth. They were like lightening and golden in color. I felt their power being unleashed in the earth. I saw them moving with lightening speed - there is a war in the heavenlies. They were moving to help win the lost - dispatched to work with us. Ministering in the earth to help the heirs of salvation.
Some of you - I saw that you will do the work, but you yourself have not received Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, you have been doubting. However, you think you’re going to heaven because you are a kind good person.
Don’t waste your life, give your life to Jesus today, for you CANNOT ENTER HEAVEN unless you are SAVED by RECEIVING JESUS. Your good work will not get you in.
It is your faith in Jesus and what He did for you: He died for your sins bore your sickness, YES paid the price for all your sins. He was raised from the dead so that through Him you will receive this same eternal life as well.
Jesus I now believe this - please save me and reveal more of your truth to me. Jesus be my Lord and Saviour.