This is a training program to assist those who are wanting to progress in their Christian Walk with Jesus Christ, it is also for Christian spiritual leaders who wish to compliment their learning and complete a biblical 2 year program.
This program is online, and each person is progressing individually, the onus is completely upon the STUDENT to submit a request for exams/written papers or program requirements to either Apostle Adams, or your National Institute Overseer. The institute is for those who would like an official certificate.
To monitor a student (who commits to the full program - approx 12 courses) and hold them accountable by their submission of end of course written papers and memorization (and subsequent grading of same) will cost $75 CDN per course. However there a number of free courses in the program.
Enrolment is limited.
$75 CDN per course. (9 courses)
Certificate Program includes 12 programs of which 3 are free.
There is a $100 administration fee per student.
Each individual course must be paid for in advance at the time you wish to take the specific course.
1. Kingdom Basics (free course)
2. Healing School - (free course)
5. Let the Word Drop 
8. Angels Ministering Among Us / Who Am I - Identity
9. Supernatural Faith / Fasting and Prayer
10. Leadership Dynamics Course
11. Holy Spirit Dynamics Course
12. Demons & Demonology part 1 and 2- by Lester Sumrall
(free course)
These powerful books are required to supplement the courses, to give you more information to help you on your Christian journey. There is also a book report due for each book. Most of the books can be found online with digital download.
Love the Way to Victory - Kenneth Hagen Sr
Triumphant Church - Kenneth Hagen Sr
The Believer’s Authority- Kenneth Hagen Sr
The Prophets Manual - John Eckhardt
Evangelism by Fire - Reinhardt Bonnke
Angels - Charles Capps
Winners in Christ - Norman Robertson
New Testament Survey
Old Testament Survey
REPORT on each VIDEO COURSE and each BOOK (from the required reading list): 1 -2 pages 300 words minimum - 600 words maximum
5 scriptures per course memorized. Thesis Prospectus and the final Thesis
To receive your certificate of completion of this program you must: -Confirm you have listened to all the audios/videos
-Write and submit a paper or exam (as predetermined on its outline regarding each course)
-Complete all necessary course requirements.
Upon successful completion of these courses, the student has the opportunity to apply for a CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION OF THIS PROGRAM by submitting a thesis in an approved area of study.
Apostle Adams or Institute Overseer (or Teaching Assistant) will be available for consultation during the preparation of this Thesis Prospectus and the final Thesis. She/he will also be available to guide you through this process.
CWSI is a division of Crystal Waters International Ministries, which is a non profit ministry in good standing in the Province of British Columbia, in the nation of Canada.
Please note that CWSI does not have any transferable credits to any other learning institute – This is a training program to assist those who are wanting to progress in their Christian Walk with Jesus Christ, it is also for Christian spiritual leaders who wish to compliment their learning and complete a 2 year program.
There is no implied (either directly or indirectly) for a continuing program past this 2 year certificate program, or for guaranteed ordination upon completion.
Apostle Adams as President of CWSI reserves the right to change or remove and/or add any further protocols and adjustments to this program at her own discretion as deemed necessary and expedient.
Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
It is acceptable to enroll on an informal basis and take one or two courses. Fees for courses and manuals will be charged.
*Manuals from CWSI are not required for you to purchase.
The institute is for those who would like an official certificate.
STUDENTS can get 100% of the teachings for free by watching THE PLAYLISTS of courses on YouTube.
Click here for our >>free courses<< page.
This is a correspondence program in which you are accountable for your progress. This is a fully online course that you can complete at your own pace.
Please submit your requests for Apostle Adams to Please note that only emails submitted to this email address will be considered.
You will be able to receive assistance from Apostle Adams will be available once a week for questions from students. A teaching assistant may be assigned.